

On sorry excuses for boats, they bump shipping vessels hoping to get a few coins in their makeshift catchers.

They come from everywhere, these displaced – the toothless grannies, kids barely a decade old, and mothers who rock their babies awake in order to get out a helpless cry.

Before leaving the ship, I hear one of their seniors say, “Sige’g piktyur-piktyur, dili man sad manghatag.” I winced.


6 thoughts on “Badjaos

  1. Crissy says:

    I’ve been writing for 37 years and have always published in print. My son and wife dragged me kicking and screaming into e-publishing, and thank God they did. I’ve been looking for a magazine such as Publishing Talk to figure out how to market my first novel, “Pageant of Sae.#vsa&g8221; Thank you so much for showing me into the future.


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